Thursday, October 31, 2019

State Sovereighty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State Sovereighty - Essay Example However, the more powerful territorial states repeatedly violated the national jurisdiction of the weaker ones and were legally free to â€Å"make war, violate human rights, neglect the welfare of citizens, and damage the ecology†. (Weiss, 2007, p. xiv) This classical definition of sovereignty eventually came to an end as effected by the two Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907. The result of the conference was the foundation of three conventions and three declarations which stipulated the laws that would govern international attitude towards land warfare, sea warfare, and peaceful settlement of disputes. Sovereignty in the classical sense was challenged by economic globalization and the development of alliances, regional coalitions, and shared currency. It was imposed upon by victors and the emerging community of nations clamoring for a secure and peaceful co-existence. Furthermore, it was realized that respect for human rights were equally important as territorial integrity and that states have a dual responsibility; internal respect for the well being of its people and external respect for the sovereignty of other states. Bodin first introduced the modern meaning of sovereignty during the sixteenth century. Through him, we are able to identify the modern definition of a sovereign state as a group of people living in a community, organized under a sovereign government which exercises the power of making and enforcing laws within the community, and is not itself subject to any superior government. The modern meaning of sovereignty is anchored on a people’s ability to adopt its own basic law, and to propose and adopt amendments to the basic law by directly deciding on all issues, instead of delegating decisions to national legislatures, and a duty to protect human rights. According to Daniel Philpott (2001), sovereignty has come closer to enjoying universal explicit assent than any other principle of political organization. (p. 3) The United Nations

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa Term Paper

Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa - Term Paper Example The company has engaged in many social and economic activities that have benefited the country and the citizens. This includes the construction of roads, hospitals and schools. This has helped in growth of the economy and improvement of the living standards as the per capita income has grown from $80 to $6000 per year. In its early years of its operations, after the discovery of the diamonds, De Beers operated, as a monopoly by regulating diamond supply, which meant the price of diamonds, remained high. After sometime, De Beers realized that they could not control the market anymore. The company was forced to stock enormous amounts of diamonds when the demand for the diamond was extremely low. The company also discovered that they could not control the discovery of diamonds in the entire world. For instance, Canada refused to join the cartel that De Beers had formed. The change of policy was also largely influenced by the unfavorable image created by blood diamonds. Rebels in the nei ghboring countries would force civilians to extract the diamonds and sell them off in order to get money to purchase weapons. The company’s change of focus changed from scheming the supplying the diamonds to a moderate policy of marketing and selling the diamonds already in their stores. This focus helped in creating demand rather than controlling the supply. The company still maintained a significant market control through selling the diamonds to traders who were willing to conform to the laws of the land and regulations set by De Beers. This helped to create an environment to conduct business in a more ethical manner. The construction of the Kimberly process in Gaberone ensured that all the sold diamonds were mined legally. This helped in diminishing the blood diamond issue, which was used to finance wars across Africa. This also helped to restore the reputation of the company, which had been eroded by the blood diamond issue. (JOE NOCERA, Diamonds) The success story of thi s joint venture between De Beers and the government of Botswana has worked because the Botswana government believes in democracy and encourages economic growth in the country. The government also saw the partnership as a way to improve the living standards of the citizens in the country. For this type of partnership to flourish, the government must have the will to improve for the benefit of the common citizens. The company had previously attempted to work in partnership with other countries and government but, it did not work due to corruption in those countries. Since Botswana attained its independence, she has always remained democratic and free state. Here, the leaders in the government are sincere and intelligent. This is the rationale as to why the joint venture has been of help to the Botswana citizens. We can therefore hardly compare Botswana leaders with other African leaders who only enhance their selfish interests. Many African leaders accept money from foreigners in orde r for foreigners to extract the country’s resources without benefiting the people of that country. WTO trade negotiations over farm subsidies The government of United States has for many years partnered with private businesses in the country. Among the common partners are the farming industries. They enjoy many subsidies from the government each year. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established after the World War II. Its main role was to regulate and create an economic order where all

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Water resources management in India

Water resources management in India CHAPTER III India is facing a serious problem of natural resource scarcity, especially that of water in view of population growth and economic development[1]. The annual average rainfall in the Indian terrain is a healthy 1869 cu/Km[2] which is much more the world average. The rainfall in India shows a very high spatial and temporal variability[3]. That indeed is the reason for water resource management becoming a complex affair in India, for, the rainfall that is received during this short period has to be distributed for a variety of activities. Traditionally India has been agriculture based economy and hence is the importance of development of irrigation schemes so as to reduce the dependence on ground water by effective utilisation of the river waters. The annual potential groundwater recharge from rainfall in India is about 342.43 Km3, which is 8.56 % of the total annual rainfall of the country[4]. While rain is a vital source of water for almost the whole of the Indian peninsula, the snowmelt from the glaciers of the Himalayan belt is a significant contributor to the water source to the valley parts and the foothill region of the Himalayas. While an exact value of water resources of the country is a difficult ask, estimates of the water resources has been done in a comprehensive manner by the Ministry of Water Resources. An analysis of the resources gives a very rosy picture, however the complexities involved in harnessing the resources in an optimum manner is what is causing nightmares to the ministry. There is a need t o ensure a delicate balance between the inflows to the water resources of a region and the outflow components. The National Water Policy[5] stipulates that the total quantity of nations ground water pumped out must be limited to annual recharge. Scientist using NASAs Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites have determined that ground water in North Western region of India is decreasing at a alarming rate[6]. If the ground water table goes down the government will be forced to think of alternatives which is more efficient use of river waters. The facts state that though water resource availability is adequate till year 2020 but because of the current rate of growth of the population the availability will become critical after 2020. Also the fact that India will be forced to look at other sources of river water than those granted by the IWT. Drought The drought prone area assessed in the country is of the order of 68% of the total land mass[7] which is roughly equivalent to 51.12 Mha[8] . Many interior parts of peninsular India, such as the Deccan plateau, Southern and Central India come under the grips of dry spells even in the monsoon season itself due to scanty rainfall. Drought is not the result of a single cause, but a cumulative effect of many causes. Not only the availability of water for irrigation of agricultural lands is acutely hit, but also the day to day human life is subjected to inconvenience due to shortage of water for personal use. History has chronicled several droughts in India, and no part of India has escaped dry spells due to failure of monsoons and the resultant drought. A disturbing fact as an offshoot of drought conditions is that even crime rates such as robbery and looting steeply increase, as a sequel to the migration of people affected by drought looking for a decent life, but taking to unsocial activities in the absence of job opportunities. Also it is during these times that sharing of river water by riparian states is a cause for concern. What is paradoxical is that states which have a long coastline or lesser water resources at their areas have not taken any steps to come out of this problem by way of concentrating on desalination, drip irrigation, rain harvesting changing crop pattern requiring less water etc. Drought prone areas in India The total area affected by inadequate rainfall is a little over one million square kilometres. The areas which are drought prone are Thar Desert terrain, Kalahandi- Koraput belt, areas such as North Arcot, (Tamil Nadu) Anantpur and Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh) Bellary and Bijapur (Karnataka) Osmanabad and Aurangabad ( Maharastra).[9] Most of the areas in this rain shadow zone is densely populated with hard working, knowledgeable and enterprising people. There are several towns having more than 100,000 population, besides innumerable villages situated in this zone. Sparse vegetation, Pediment type of wastelands and deep levels of ground water table make life difficult in these places. Wastelands dominate over cultivable fields and in the cultivable lands too only one crop is grown in an year. Proper water management in this terrain is capable of transforming the arid to semi arid conditions to a highly productive areas This area is ideal for drip/ sprinkler irrigation to reclaim the drou ght affected areas. Examples exist as is done at Israel. A few more pockets of chronic drought prone areas are- Ramanathpuram and Thirunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu, the linear corridor between Coimbatore and Pallakad and the Saurashtra and Kachchh regions of Gujrat. Also reports of arable lands situated slightly further away from the flood plains and the Deltaic regions of Ganges, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery rivers coming under the grip of water scarcity for agricultural activities. Locations like Kodaikanal, Udhagamandalam and Nilgiri hills in Tamil Nadu,[10] and Dehradun and Mussorie in Uttaranchal are examples of excessive human interference leading to unsustainable urban development and decadent imbalance in availability of water resources in areas otherwise known for copious rainfall. A generation ago farmers in Gujrat used bullocks to lift water from shallow wells in leather buckets. Now farmers draw water from 300 metres below ground using electrical pumps. According to state water officials, water tables are dropping by 6 metres every year. India had a pump revolution in the last four decades and farmers have drilled approximately 21 million tube wells into the saturated strata beneath their fields. Every year farmers bring another million wells into service mostly outside the control of state irrigation authorities.[11] These pumps powered by subsidised electricity work day and night to irrigate fields of more water consuming crops like rice, sugarcane and alfalfa. The problem is serious and severe and keeping in view that agriculture is the backbone of our economy, replenishment methods like placing numerous dams across river beds, water harvesting and water shed schemes to recharge our underground resources besides flood management need to be given the right impetus. In crop production there is a need to encourage modern methods of irrigation. In spite of an abundance of water resources it has not been easy for the state to tap these resources. Discussion of internal water disputes is far beyond the scope of the dissertation and is therefore not being mentioned; however one disagreement due to the distribution of water of the Indus river system is worth having a look. Disagreement over the sharing of river waters from the Indus river system has been one of the major causes of the violent secession movement in the Punjab province of India in the 1980s and 1990s. This Sikh dominated province has been traditionally provided with a water supply from the Beas, Sutlej and Ravi Rivers. The demands of the downstream provinces of Rajasthan and Haryana persuaded the Indian government to construct canals and divert 60 per cent of Punjabs water and energy to Hindu majority regions[12]. This became a major point of confrontation due to which insurgency was encouraged. Water Demand and Resource Management If the total water availability in India is analysed that the logical conclusion would be that that there is adequate water for all. However water availability on the Indian subcontinent is strongly influenced by a number of climatic and geographic factors. Together these combine to provide India with enough freshwater to meet the various demands arising from the agricultural, industrial and domestic sectors. However, the actual distribution of water resources over space and time limits access to certain geographic regions and during a few months of the year. Government policies and economic incentives have also influenced the water distribution and consumption across India[13] Alarming Scarcity of Water in India, NK Garg and Q Hassan, Current Science Vol 93 No 7 10 Oct 2007. National Water Resource at a Glance accessed on 18 Nov 2009 Rakesh Kumar, R D Singh K D Sharma Water Resources of India Ibid p4. Indian Ministry of Water Resources, National Water Policy. Retrieved 09 Nov 2009 from GRACE reveals ground water depletion in India. Retrieved on 11 Dec 2009 from Drought in India , Challenges and Initiatives, p5 , PACS Programme 2001-08 Water Resources of India, Rakesh Kumar, RD Singh and KD Singh, Current Science, Vol 89, No 5 , Sep 2005 ,pp794. H Sarvotham, Water Resources Augmentation, Management Policies p45. Peter P Molinga, On The Waterfront,p61. Harendar Raj Goutam Water Crisis and Rain Water Harvesting Kurukshetra Quaterly p4. Managing Water Conflicts by Ashok Swain , pp 21 Water privatization and Implications in India, Anitha Sampath , Association for Indias Development.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Grapes of Wrath :: essays papers

Grapes of Wrath It is said that everything is done for a purpose, and if that purpose is not obvious, it could be evident within oneself. In The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, the story not only entails the tale of the tragically poor, but also an uplifting sense of discovery. The story tells not only of the physical journey to California, but of the characters' spiritual travels as well. By examining the lives of Jim Casy, Tom Joad, and Ma Joad, one will see the enlightening changes that mark their lives through the depression. Jim Casy's journey is an astounding one. He begins his life as a preacher, yet decides one day that his work is invalid; sinful, in some way. He says to Tom, "'I used ta get the people jumpin' an' talkin' in tongues, an' glory-shoutin' till they just fell down an' passed out. . . An' then - you know what I'd do? I'd take one of them girls out in the grass, an' I'd lay with her. Done it ever' time. Then I'd feel bad, an' I'd pray an' pray, but it didn't do no good. Come the nex' time, them an' me was full of the sperit, I'd do it again. I figgered there just wasn't no hope for me, an' I was a damned ol' hypocrite. But I didn't mean to be.'" (Page 28) He decides that he is not noble enough to continue his work, and grows distempered when others ask him to preach the word of God. He spends his time with the Joad family gratefully, but little else. He does no real work to help them out; he spends most of his time thinking to himself. Although Casy repeatedly confesses his guilt for doing nothing for the family, he makes no real efforts to contribute, and remains on the sidelines. However, when Tom trips a policeman that was threatening to take everyone to the station, Casy takes the blame. "Casy turned to Al. 'Get out,' he said. 'Go on, get out - to the tent. You don't know nothin'.' 'Yeah? How 'bout you?' Casy grinned at him. 'Somebody got to take the blame. I got no kids. They'll jus' put me in jail, an' I ain't doin' nothin' but set aroun'.' A l said, 'Ain't no reason for -' Casy said softly, 'If you mess in this your whole fambly, all your folks, gonna get in trouble.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Teenage Smoking

There are many teenage smokers in the Philippines and there are several causes and effects to this issue. Introduction I. Peer Pressure, Curiosity, Habit and Depression are the causes of teenagers that has been smoking cigarette. Based on my experience, Peer Pressure is one of the influential factors to teenage smokers. It occurs when a non-smoker joins a group of teenage smokers. When teenagers have been influenced most likely he or she will start smoking. The behavior and choices in their peer group that can influence others may have a negative impact.And for some reasons, teenage smokes in order not to be bullied and just to fit in with their peer group. According to Better Health Channel ( Feb.. 14, 2013), nowadays, teenagers smoke because Of curiosity. Examples Of their curiosity are media appearances to imitate the actors or models of their behavior or looks, cigarette advertisements and also on what they seen on adults or group of people who smokes cigarette that they become c urious of what cigarettes taste and feels like and why some people are addictive to it.So, curiosity as their question will be answered by trying or experiencing smoking. In this ease, parents lack to teach discipline and to warn their children of the negative effects of smoking cigarettes. So, teenagers are the one who seeks answer for their curiosity. Based on what I've seen to my brother, habit IS also a cause of smoking on teenagers because smoking everyday has already become part of their daily routine, they don't want cigarette but sometimes they need it. As a matter of fact, he smoke every after meal because he say that smoking helps him digest his food.Additionally, many of the teenagers or even adults who smoke minute by minute and they can consume or finish up to two or more cigarette sacks a day. They are already detached to it as their smoking habit that cannot be stop or quit. According to J. Cowlings (2011 Teenage smokes when they are depress due to some problems that they encounter. They smoke cigarettes as their pastime, such as making a round circle in the air and do crazy tricks that makes them relax, calm and relief stress while working.Also, it can help them think clearly when doing a decision making to their own problems. But as a result, in the article of J. Cowlings (2011), researchers said, â€Å"this evidence is consistent with the conclusion that there is a cause and effect relationship teen smoking and depression in which cigarette smoking increases the risk of symptoms of depression. † Therefore, teenage smokers don't know the real effect that it can still cause much more depression to them penthouse they said that it is an antidepressant. II. Effects of Smoking Colonization is one Of the effects Of smoking.Because, this is one Of their way to socialite to the other people. Some smokers usually gathered in one place there called it â€Å"Tambala† in this place there smoke cigarettes together while talking and after the y eat. If they smoke cigarette expect the most of heir friend is smokers because, one does not simply smoke cigarette alone. It's very boring when they smoke alone so to avoid these they find their friends via going to a â€Å"Tambala† to introduce themselves. Cigarette smokers became addicted because of the nicotine that cigarettes contain.According to news at Salaams Doc, one of the ABS-CB shows, that nicotine is the worst compared to marijuana and other drugs because of the long lasting effect. When they inhale the smoke of cigarette one of the chemicals passes thru their body is nicotine, after it spread to the body it attacks the brain and the user feel relaxation and increase of alertness. The worst of this chemical it is hard to remove to the body because of the brain is addicted to nicotine so if the body did not intake a nicotine the brain is craving. That's why they feel like uncomfortable if they don't smoke cigarettes.According to the book Biology concepts and app lication, smoking cigarettes has harmful effects to teenage smokers that can lead to bad health. Because, if they Start to smoke cigarette at early age they are prone to disease and easy to get sick because of their weak immunity due to smoking habit. According to the research teenage smokers are weak when it comes to sports because the lungs cannot function properly. Teenage smokers that start at early years are short people because the development of the body is stop and destroy of this cigarettes.They can die 10-20 years earlier than the non- smokers. Smoking a cigarettes is a very expensive habit. Addicted smokers can't stop a day without cigarette because they said that it is the thing that makes them happy. It's okay for them that they will not eat food just to smoke cigarette because they said that if you are hungry and you smoke you will feel full. According to research if they compute all expenses in buying cigarette over a year, they can buy a new motorcycle or to down pay ment a brand new car.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Knowledge and experiences Essay

I am a reliable person. I am organized and I do plan things ahead of time. I do not want to do things unprepared. I can work well with others. I can easily adjust to new environments and I have a personality that can go along with different types of people. I know how to communicate well and I am known for being a team player. I always communicate with my team to avoid misunderstanding. I always make it a point not work for myself alone instead I aim for mutual cooperation to achieve the goals and objectives of the team. In terms of work attitude, I am a very responsible person. I can work alone and I do have the initiative who can work with less supervision. When I work, I do not leave things until it is almost perfectly done. I always give best in everything that I do. I work with my heart and I work steadily and consistently. I am also an outgoing person and love to go on new ventures to learn more. It is my way of broadening my knowledge and experiences. I learn lessons from my new discoveries. I am very active and energetic and love social works. I am very sensitive to the needs of others. I can be a very good friend and I love making friends with people. Many like me too as I know how to listen to them. I have always been considered by my friends as loyal and trustworthy in fact I am a confidante to many of my friends. I am also honest and see to it that I speak only of the truth because I would like others to be honest to me too. I don’t go much with night activities. I am a morning person. I love to do things during day time and venture on nature activities rather than taking night life.